Hit me with your rhythm stick, part 2

On the road to Mandalay

The latest stage in my totally pointless quest to act out the lyrics at the locations in Ian Dury’s, Hit me with your rhythm stick. See Part 1 if you have no idea what I am talking about or care enough to find out.

The town of Hsipaw, in the north-east of Myanmar seemed a good a place as any to represent the lyric as the main road through its centre led directly to Mandalay, a city beloved of colonial types back in the day when we ruled the world and didn’t have to bother with untidy concepts like human rights, as long as we could kid ourselves we were bringing enlightenment and railways to ignorant savages. Unfortunately recent governments have carried on in the great British tradition of pointless bureaucracy and violent suppression of dissent, as well as bulldozing much of what gave the city any reputation for lazy tropical charm.

With a background in the performing arts world, my fellow traveler Caroline didn’t feel the need to find a quick excuse to run away when I asked for her assistance in the venture. No doubt the dozens of local onlookers were questioning our sanity as we undertook the project. I leave you with the pic I felt best caught the spirit of the moment.

Picture 027

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  1. My dear Graham, are you sure you are not related to that other very humorous Askey, Arthur? Ruth and I have been tickled muchly by this excellent Rhythm Stick venture! No need to tell you to ‘go for it!’, but, er, go for it!!!!!

Always happy to hear from you