A traveler’s view on cultural appropriation

Cultural appropriation – taking intellectual property, traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, or artifacts from someone else’s culture without permission. Let me tell you a story… Sitting at a cafe in Medellin, Colombia, I was eating the classic Italian dish of Lasagna, accompanied by salad and a croissant, typically French but actually Austrian in origin, although in all likelihood copied from an Egyptian pastry dating back to ancient times. A French cultural organisation was promoting a day of free music so I…

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In search of the shit things about Colombia

No doubt you’ve all heard wonderful things about Colombia, so there’s no point in me repeating them all here is there? So, at great effort and minimal  expense I made an intrepid search to discover all the rubbish bits about the country that other blogs won’t tell you about. The tragic failings of paper tissues   Whoever it was in the Colombian, paper serviette design department, they didn’t get the message that the whole point of the object is to remove…

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