A brief explanation

Dear readers
A few words are in order as you may notice a change in my output over the next few months because I am off to Egypt to study Arabic for at least three months. The strict educational term for this is, “a fuck load of work”, hence I may not have the time to devote enough of my ailing brain cells to keeping you up to date with the world’s toilet facilities and other such vital geopolitical issues. Also, being largely stationary may simply mean I do not generate enough material worthy of inflicting upon you all and I have no intention of knocking out the rehashed Google searches and idle musings that pass for so much in the way of travel blog posts, just to keep my Google rankings at the stratospheric levels they must surely be at – not checked recently but no doubt the competition is running scared and will grab the chance to catch up.
The other issue, which will have an effect on the blog content is the current political situation there, which could well be described as sensitive. As you are aware I am not shy of pointing out some of the failings in states I visit, which is normally not a problem to established dictatorships and veteran tyrants. In this case, the consequences of such actions could result in waking up in a small, dark room, face thrust against cold concrete as a thoroughly unpleasant man thrusts irregular shaped objects into my nether regions, which could ruin my whole weekend and certainly impinge upon my studies. Local bloggers and journalists have discovered this fact the hard way and the families of the luckier ones have at least had something recognisable returned to them in a large, black plastic bag. Others live with never knowing what may have happened.
Call it self-censorship, call me a wuss, but I can live with the humiliation with my testicles intact, not that they get any use, apart from the occasional practice run mind you, but I have got rather attached to them over the years.
Your understanding is most appreciated.

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  1. Why don’t you publish a series of “learning arabic” posts? They will help you get your head around it and, much more importantly, we can all learn for free off your back. 😉

  2. Will be eagerly awaiting your exciting — and no doubt enlightening — return 😉

    • Thanks Derek, I am sure I will be able to do the occasional thing and I hope my efforts will mean that I gain better insights from the rest of my travels around the Arabic speaking world afterwards

  3. Dear Graham.
    A very wise decision in the circimstances and no doubt when you have done and are out of harms way your ire will come through. The very best of fortune to you and your studies and I look forward to seeing your letters in the future.
    With kind regards Tony P

Always happy to hear from you